8 Fruits & Vegetables To Avoid Consuming During Monsoon

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1. Leafy Greens

Spinach, cabbage, and lettuce are prone to contamination and should be thoroughly washed and cooked if consumed.

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2. Cucumbers

Often coated with a layer of wax to preserve freshness, cucumbers can harbour bacteria and fungi that thrive in humid conditions.

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3. Tomatoes

They can develop fungal infections quickly during the monsoon, especially if stored improperly.

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4. Sprouts

Sprouts like mung bean sprouts can easily harbour bacteria and should be avoided unless thoroughly cooked.

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5. Peaches And Plums

These fruits are more susceptible to mould growth in humid weather, so check them thoroughly before consumption.

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6. Watermelon

Due to its high water content and susceptibility to contamination, it's advisable to consume watermelon with caution during the monsoon.

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7. Muskmelon

Similar to watermelon, muskmelons can also be contaminated easily during storage and transport.

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8. Berries

Strawberries, raspberries, and other berries can spoil quickly and should be consumed fresh and after thorough washing.

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To enjoy these foods safely during the monsoon, ensure they are thoroughly washed.