Gen-Zs Are Suffering From Menu Anxiety. But What Is It?

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What Is Menu Anxiety?

The rise of diverse culinary options, coupled with the ubiquitous presence of online menus and food delivery platforms, has given birth to a phenomenon known as menu anxiety.

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Gen-Z Remains Affected

For Gen-Z, this experience is heightened by the constant exposure to food trends on social media, creating a desire to try the latest and most Instagrammable dishes.

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The Pressure

With the constant stream of food content on social media platforms, there is an underlying pressure to choose the trendiest or most aesthetically pleasing option

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Indecisiveness Shows Up

While having a plethora of options may seem like a luxury, for Gen-Z, it often results in decision paralysis.

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Added Stress 

The endless scrolling and the pressure to make a quick decision before the delivery cutoff time add an extra layer of stress to the dining experience.

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Can Restaurants Help?

Restaurants and food establishments are not oblivious to this phenomenon. Some have responded by simplifying their menus or incorporating user-friendly features

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A Real Problem...

Menu anxiety is a real and growing challenge. This is more apparent than in the realm of dining.

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Solutions To It...

Addressing menu anxiety will become increasingly important in ensuring that Gen-Z can fully savour the joys of dining without unnecessary decision-making stress.

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Do you also face menu anxiety?

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