Have You Ever Tried Chatpata Frozen Litchi? Chef Saransh Goila Shares Recipe For This Summer Dessert

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Saransh Goila (@saranshgoila)

If you love litchis, you need to try making this easy-peasy spicy frozen litchi at home. Chef Saransh Goia shared a simple recipe to prepare it. 

Unique Recipe

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Saransh Goila (@saranshgoila)

• Litchis • Lemon juice • Red chillies • Salt • Castor sugar • Chaat masala

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Saransh Goila (@saranshgoila)


• In the first step, peel all the litchis, slice gently using a knife and de-seed them, and lastly roll back again. 

Follow These Steps:

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Saransh Goila (@saranshgoila)

• Put the fruits on an ice tray, drizzle a good amount of lemon juice on top, and keep the tray inside a refrigerator for about 6 hours.

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Saransh Goila (@saranshgoila)

Follow These Steps:

• Meanwhile, take a pan and dry roast some red chilies. 

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Saransh Goila (@saranshgoila)

Follow These Steps:

• Once done, pour the roasted chillies into a mortar and add castor sugar, salt, and chaat masala. Mix everything to get a coarse powder.

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Saransh Goila (@saranshgoila)

Follow These Steps:

In the last step, toss the frozen litchis with this spicy masala, insert them in a skewer, and enjoy the delishaas fruit dessert.

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Saransh Goila (@saranshgoila)