8 Things To Do On The First Day Of New Year

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Think of all the good and bad that happened and reflect on how you can do better!

1. Reflect On The Last Year

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Starting your new year by treating yourself to something special made by you!

2. Cook One New Dish

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Head out in the morning of the new year and explore your locality like it, too, is new!

3. Explore Your Locality

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Set realistic goals so that you can at least have a direction for the rest of your year.

4. Set Goals For This Year

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Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while and reconnect with them! Wishing them on new year can be an icebreaker!

5. Reach Out

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It can be journaling, meditating or skincare, but make sure you pay attention to yourself!

6. Self Care Routine

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7. Read A New Book

If your resolution is to read more, make sure you start a new book on the first day itself!

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8. Re-read An Old Book

If you’re hesitant to read a new book, re-read an old book that you loved!

Which of these do you want to do the most?

Credits: Unsplash