Here's Why You Should Start Meal-Prepping; 4 Beginner-Friendly Dishes To Get Started

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Meal-prepping refers to the readying of key ingredients or entire recipes in advance so that they don’t require much effort when you want a quick meal.

What Is Meal-Prepping?

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Many people with hectic schedules find it difficult to make time for prepping healthy meals every day. Meal prepping is a convenient alternative.

It Is Convenient

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Since you prepare the key components in advance, all you have to do when it is mealtime is heat the ingredients or mix them well. It makes the process of making lunch fairly quick.

It Is Also Quick

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If done right, meal prepping can be a healthy alternative to eating out or constantly buying fast food. Here are 4 beginner-friendly dishes that you can try meal-prepping.

It Can Be Healthy

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Salads are the easiest and healthiest meals to prep. Just put the ingredients in a jar or lunchbox, and when it is time to eat, simply mix them.

1. Salads

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If you have the ingredients ready, making a sandwich or a wrap can be really quick!

2. Sandwiches/Wraps

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Just heat the ingredients that you prepped in advance and you’ll be good to go!

3. Stir-Frys

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Boil rice and noodles in advance and prep the sauce so all you have to do before heating is mix them together!

4. Rice/Noodle Dishes

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Have you tried meal-prepping before?

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