How Much Sugar Can You Have In A Day?

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Dietary Guidelines For Indians

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) have released new dietary guidelines for Indians.

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Reduce Sugar Intake

In this guideline, the ICMR and NIN  have recommended reducing sugar intake for Indians.

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How Much Sugar Is Okay?

According to them, Indians should consume 20-25 grams of sugar a day.  

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5 Reasons Why Excess  Sugar Is Harmful

Here are five reasons why consuming excessive sugar can be harmful to  your body. 

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1. Harmful For Immune System

Excess sugar increases the release of endorphins in your body which can in turn slow down your immune system. 

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2. Increases Risk Of Cancer

While sugar is not carcinogenic, excessive sugar can increase its risk.  

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3. Aging Of Cells & Brain

According to a study, excessive sugar consumption can lead to aging of the brain and cells.

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4. Harm Muscles

Consuming too much sugar can increase the levels of glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) which can harm body muscles, especially around the heart. 

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5. Reduces Tissue Elasticity 

Excessive consumption of sugar can also lower tissue elasticity and function. 

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What Else The Guidelines Recommended

Besides reducing sugar, ICMR also recommended restricting salt intake, consuming oils and fat in moderation, restricting ultra-processed foods, and doing proper exercise. 

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