I Tried Making Momos At Home For The First Time & Here's Everything You Should Avoid! 

Don't just knead the dough and use it immediately. Rest it well for at least 30-45 mins before using it. 

Image Courtesy: Canva

Rest The Dough

Not to thin or thick! Ensure the dough wrappers or sheet's consistency is just right for evenly cooked momos. 

Keep the Wrappers Thin

Image Courtesy: Internal

Cook the momo's for 3 to 4 mins for properly cooked meat and wrapper. 

3. Steam Timing

Image Courtesy: Canva

Image Courtesy: Canva

4. Filling Consistency

The consistency of filling should not be too runny. Make sure to add egg quantity in proportion to your chicken. 

If you see your momos getting stuck to the steaming plate, make sure you let it rest for a bit before removing it. 

5. Rest Your Momos After Steam

Image Courtesy: Canva

If you don't have a high-end steamer and are cooking it in a double-boiler like me, make sure you spread oil before placing the momos on it for easy removal later. 

6. Oil The Plate

Image Courtesy: Canva

Don't panic! Just freeze it for some time and its good to use. 

Image Courtesy: Canva

7. Filling Got Runny?

And it was a total success. I initially struggled to get a perfect shape but after a few trial and errors I perfected it. 

I tried it for the First Time! 

Image Courtesy: Canva

Next time you crave momos, ditch the store bought and make it for yourself at home!