Inside Sultan AlNeyadi's Space Diaries! 7 Stunning Pictures Of Earth He's Shared

Image Courtesy: Twitter/Astro_Alneyadi

Emirati astronaut, Sultan AlNeyadi shares pictures of several cities and places on the Earth from space every once in while. Here’s a look at some of them!

Image Courtesy: Unsplash

Sultan AlNeyadi Shares Pictures From Space

The latest grab from the space showcases the highest point above sea level on earth.

Image Courtesy: Twitter/Astro_Alneyadi

1. Himalayas From Space

On the National Day of Singapore, the night view of Singapore was certainly breath-taking.

Image Courtesy: Twitter/Astro_Alneyadi

2. A Glittering View

The picture of Brighton from space shows the beautiful city that has many memories for him.

Image Courtesy: Twitter/Astro_Alneyadi

3. A Slice Of Fond Memories

This artificial waterway looks absolutely beautiful from the space.

Image Courtesy: Twitter/Astro_Alneyadi

4. The Beauty Of Suez Canal

Shining bright, the city of Madrid looks absolutely breathtaking!

Image Courtesy: Twitter/Astro_Alneyadi

5. Madrid Night View

The stunning view of Damascus from the space is enough to make anyone go doe-eyed.

Image Courtesy: Twitter/Astro_Alneyadi

6. Damascus Diaries

This glittering view of the Japanese city makes it absolutely beautiful!

Image Courtesy: Twitter/Astro_Alneyadi

7. Stunning Tokyo

So, which one of these pictures made you feel awe-struck!

Image Courtesy: Unsplash