Inside Sushmita Sen's Azerbaijan Diaries: -1 Temperature, Snow-Capped Mountains & Heated Pool

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram

Sushmita Sen is visiting Azerbaijan right now and she's having the time of her life!

Sushmita In Azerbaijan

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram

She went for a swim in a heated pool in -1 temperature!

Sushmita Swimming

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram

Sushmita Sen said that she felt free(zing) and one with nature here!

One With Nature!

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram

She stayed at the Shahdag Mountain Resort which is the 1st & largest winter resort in Azerbaijan.

Shahdag Mountain Resort

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram

Her accommodation offered breathtaking views of the snow-capped mountains.

Breathtaking View!

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram

If the weather is so cold and you have a heated swimming pool out there, how can you not go for a swim?

Just Keep Swimming

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram

She seemed quite peaceful and tranquil while swimming.

Peaceful & Tranquil

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram

We're lowkey jealous of her and want to experience this stay as well!

Enviable Stay!

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram

We hope she has a fun and peaceful stay in Azerbaijan!

Credits: @sushmitasen47/Instagram