Inspection At Rajasthan High Court Canteens Uncovers Rotten Potatoes, Onions & Expired  Food Products

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Inspection At Rajasthan  High Court Canteens

A food safety inspection at Rajasthan High Court canteens uncovered several safety and hygiene violations.

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Severe Safety &  Hygiene Violations

From rotten food and expired food products to dirty utensils and kitchen equipment were uncovered during  the inspection. 

Credits: Canva 

Ingredients Unfit To Use

The food safety inspection team found rotten potatoes and onions along with other expired food products being used to make food in these canteens. 

Credits: Canva 

Artificial Colouring Used In Food 

Besides expired food items, the team also found that the canteens were using food colouring in their foods. 

Credits: Canva 

Fungus-Infected Food 

That’s not all, fungus-infected food was also discovered in the fridge of a canteen at Rajasthan High Court. 

Credits: Canva 

No Food Licences Found

As per an NDTV report, the inspection team found that all the canteens there were operating without food licences.  

Credits: Canva 

Food Operations Prohibited 

For now, the food safety officers have prohibited food operators from working without a licence to conduct any commercial activities on the high  court premises. 

Credits: Canva 

What The Food Safety Dept Says 

They have asked the canteens to obtain a valid licence and also expressed their disappointment with the “hygiene and sanitation conditions” of the canteens.  

Credits: Canva