Is Whole Wheat Flour Really A Good Replacement For
All-Purpose Flour?
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Whole wheat flour is made of the whole wheat kernel. So it is has more protein and fibre compared to all-purpose flour.
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All-purpose flour or maida are processed to remove bran and germ. So, it's less nutritious compared to whole wheat flour.
Whole wheat flour is usually used to make chapatis.
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All-purpose flour just as its name suggests is used to make cakes, pizzas, noodies and even pasta.
Whole wheat flour is loaded with protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals.
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Whole wheat flour keeps your heart healthy. So, you can use it to make healthy pancakes.
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It keeps type 2 diabetes and obesity at bay.
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Replace it with all-purpose flour to make cakes as it lowers cholesterol.
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While whole-wheat flour is more dense compared to all-purpose flour, it is more nutritious.
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