Japan: Sweat-Infused Rice Balls Made With Armpits Are Now Trending; But Why?

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The trend of cooking the simplest food items in bizarre ways is going out of hand. This time, one of the latest weird food trends is armpit sweat-infused rice balls and it is going crazy viral in Japan. 

Say What???

The conventional method to make rice balls is using both hands. However, several chefs in Japan are using armpits to make it. From kneading rice to giving the shape, every step is done with armpits.

Nope, No Hands

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Chefs first clean required food items and body parts needed to make rice balls, according to a report by the South China Morning Post. Next, they start doing several activities to start sweating and then make rice balls with armpits.

The Process:

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These sweat-infused rice balls are getting sold as many people are quite interested in trying them. A report by The Times of India stated that these are actually ten times costlier than the basic and traditionally made rice balls.

Consumers Are Interested

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People reviewed these rice balls mentioning that there are no huge dissimilarities between the two types of rice balls when it comes to taste.

How's The Taste?

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Many people are unhappy with this preparation style and are concerned about hygiene. This trend is receiving mixed responses online. What is your opinion on this trend?

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