Jasmin Bhasin Spends Her Sunday At Bokka Bandra Chilling With Friends; Pics Inside

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram

Jasmin Bhasin had the best Sunday ever!

Jasmin's Sunday

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram

She spent it chilling with friends and hanging out at cafes!

Chillin' With Friends

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram

She visited Bokka in Bandra and sipped on cold coffee.

Bokka In Bandra

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram

They clicked aesthetically pleasing pictures in front of a wall that matched Jasmin's outfit!

Aesthetic Pictures

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram

Speaking of her outfit, isn't it absolutely stunning?

Stunning Outfit

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram

She needs to drop her skincare routine ASAP because her skin is GLOWING!

Glowing Skin

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram

TBH, this is the ideal way to spend a Sunday, just chilling with friends!

Ideal Sunday TBH

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram

She shared these highlights in a photodump that she shared yesterday on her Instagram account.

Sunday Photodump

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram

We hope she had the best time with her friends!

Credits: @jasminbhasin2806/Instagram