Jeh Baba Turns 3! Aunt Soha & Aunt Karishma Share Heartfelt Wishes & Adorable Pics!

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Jeh baba has officially turned three years old today!

Jeh Baba's 3rd B'day!

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Baby Jeh received heartfelt wishes from two of his doting aunts!

Wishes Galore!

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Aunt Soha wished Jeh baba on Insta by sharing a slew of adorable pictures of Jeh with his cousins!

Aunt Soha's Wish!

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Auntie Soha also cracked this hilarious pun and called him a Three-nager!

Officially A Threenager

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Look how adorable this picture of Baby Jeh with uncle Kunal is!

Uncle Kunal Too!

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Isn't Jeh Baba one of the cutest babies you've ever seen?

Birthday Boy!

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Aunty Karishma also wished Jeh baba and shared this cute pic of his!

Aunty Karishma's Wish

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He seems to love spending time with his elder brother!

Playing With Brother!

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We hope he has a blast on his birthday with his loved ones!

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