Kareena Kapoor Relishes Her Kids' Leftover Pancakes; Says "I'm The Mother Who Eats Her Kids' Leftovers"

Credits: kareenakapoorkhan/Instagram

Kareena Kapoor, in addition to being a brilliant actor, is a brilliant mom!

Kareena The Mom!

Credits: kareenakapoorkhan/Instagram

We recently got proof of it when she shared a pic of her children's leftover breakfast.

This Is Proof

Credits: kareenakapoorkhan/Instagram

Leftover Pancakes

The pic was of a leftover pancake with strawberries and cream on the side. 

Credits: Unsplash

She captioned the pic "I am that mother who eats her kids' leftovers."

"That Mother"

Credits: kareenakapoorkhan/Instagram

We're sure that mothers everywhere can relate to this feeling!

Mothers Can Relate

Credits: kareenakapoorkhan/Instagram

She has shared pics of her and her kids in the past that shows taht she's a dedicated mother.

Dedicated Mother

Credits: Unsplash

She regularly does fun activities with kids to spend quality time with them.

Activities With Kids

Credits: kareenakapoorkhan/Instagram

Evidently, her kids have a sweet tooth and we love it for them!

Kids' Sweet Tooth

Credits: Unsplash

Do you eat your child's leftovers?

Credits: kareenakapoorkhan/Instagram