Know Your Coffee: 8 Amazing Ways To Brew A Perfect Cup 

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There are a lot of ways to make amazing coffee and these 8 are certainly the most popular ones.

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1. Moka Pot Making coffee with this vessel is a skill but once you master it, you can have amazing coffee anytime.

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2. Aeropress Coffee lovers are aware of Aeropress and the perfect coffee it delivers, quite instantly.

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3. French Press Commonly found at homes, this vessel is quite handy when it comes to brewing perfect coffee.

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4. Chemex Brewer If you are looking to brew coffee in style, this has to be your pick.

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5. Cold Drip Brewing If you are into cold brews (not iced coffee), this way is perfectly suited for you.

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6. Boiling Coffee People have been enjoying coffee way before all this equipment came into play. Just boil it perfectly, to avoid complications.

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7. Turkish Coffee The Turkish way of brewing coffee is one of the ancient ways of relishing amazing coffee.

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8. Espresso Machine The most widely used way of brewing, espresso machines always bring you great coffee.

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