Know Your Coffee: Popular Espresso Drinks To Try!

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What is Espresso? When hot water is forced through finely ground coffee beans, espresso, a powerful coffee, is produced. With a distinctive flavour profile, this creates a rich, dark, and powerful beverage.

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1. Café Latte An ideal shot of espresso, steamed milk or a milk replacement, and a thin coating of foam, make up a caffe latte.

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2. Cappuccino The cappuccino is made with an espresso shot, heated milk, and foam and is perhaps the second most popular espresso beverage. It will have a thicker texture because there will be less milk and more froth.

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3. Macchiato A shot of espresso and a cup of steaming milk make up an espresso macchiato. In reference to the way the milk stains the espresso, the word "macchiato" is an Italian slang term that means "stained”.

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4. Americano One of the simplest espresso drinks, an Americano, is made with a shot of espresso and hot water. This ratio can be adjusted to taste but is typically two parts hot water to one part espresso.

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5. Ristretto A single espresso shot and a ristretto are extremely similar drinks, however, the latter is stronger. It has a considerably more concentrated flavour while being a smaller drink.

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6. Red Eye One of the less popular varieties of espresso beverage is the red eye. Poured on top of a cup of drip coffee, this drink is essentially a shot of espresso.

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7. Black Eye The black eye is identical to the red eye but uses two shots of espresso instead of one, giving it a stronger and more potent variation of espresso.

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8. Espresso Martini The espresso martini is the ideal beverage for cocktail enthusiasts who also require a caffeine boost. A shot of espresso is added to a mixture of vodka, coffee liqueur, and simple syrup to make this cocktail.

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