Know Your Coffee: The Origin & Recipe For A Perfect Cup Of Mocha

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1. Coffee beans with a mocha origin grown in the Mocha (Mokha) region of Yemen.

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2. Rich, chocolaty notes with hints of fruity acidity and a lingering sweetness make up the distinctive flavour profile of mocha coffee.

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3. Coffee connoisseurs prize the exceptional quality and flavour of Mocha's coffee beans, a result of the region's distinctive terroir and climate.

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4. Because Mocha beans were among the first to be traded and exported internationally, mocha coffee has had a significant historical and cultural impact on the coffee industry.

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Here’s how you can make it at home:

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1. Start by brewing a cup of espresso to make a delicious mocha.

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2. Heat the milk in a different pan, then stir in the cocoa powder and sweetener of your choice until smooth.

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3. Stir well after adding the hot milk mixture to the coffee or espresso.

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4. Top it off with some cocoa powder and whipped cream for garnish.

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