Know Your Liquor: 9 Amazing Facts About Rum

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1. One of the oldest spirits in the world, rum, has been enjoyed for more than 400 years.

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2. If you don't love it as a drink, you can use it as a shampoo to fight against hair fall.

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3. A single shot of rum has only 70 calories, making it perfect for diet-conscious folks.

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4. In the 1700s, rum was used as a currency.

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5. Puerto Rico produces 80% of the rum in the world.

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6. It has some interesting nicknames like Grog, Navy Neaters, and Barbados Water.

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7. As a part of ageing, a little rum evaporates. The evaporated amount is called the angel's share.

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8. It works well in cocktails for every season.

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9. Even though it is made from sugarcane, it is not considered a sweet spirit.

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