Know Your Liquor: 9 Fascinating Vodka Facts You Must Know About

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1. The main producers of vodka in the world are Russia, Poland, and Ukraine.

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2. The Slavic term "voda," which means water, is where the word "vodka" originates.

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3. Vodka was first thought to offer therapeutic benefits and was used for those purposes.

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4. Vodka can be created from potatoes, grapes, or other fruits, though it is typically prepared from grains like wheat, rye, or corn.

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5. Vodka was first mentioned in writing in Poland in the early fourteenth century.

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6. Vodka typically has an alcohol concentration of 40% ABV.

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7. Due to its neutral flavour, vodka is frequently combined with other components to make cocktails.

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8. Some high-end vodka companies use filtration techniques like charcoal or diamonds to get rid of contaminants and enhance flavour.

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9. Some nations, like Russia and Poland, have a practise of drinking vodka straight, then following it with a pickled appetiser like herring or cucumber.

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