Kriti Sanon’s London Trip Was Filled With Sun-Kissed Mornings  & Tube Travels

Kriti’s London Picture Dump

Kriti Sanon is back from her London trip and looks like she had a blast there! 

When In London 

The actress took to Instagram to share pictures from her trip to London. 

Sun-Kissed Beauty 

She added a caption to her photos that said, “London, you have my 🫶🏻! Shall be back soon! 💖🥰”

Pretty Poser

Can we take a moment to appreciate the beauty that is Kriti Sanon? 

Travelling Like A Local 

The actress travelled around the city like a local on the London Underground AKA the London Tubes. 

Random BTS

The actress travelled and visited various places in the city to make the most of her time in London. 

Strong Selfie Game

We’re loving this random dump from Kriti’s London diaries! 

Happy Traveller 

Between all the cab rides, tube travels, and London exploration, it looks like Kriti had a gala time there!