Ghewar is one of the most popular sweet dishes in Rajasthan. It is a disc-shaped sweet.
There are some amazing varieties of this disc-shaped sweet which you must try!
Plain ghewar is topped with malai or clotted cream adding a velvety texture to the dish.
While making Ghewar, cocoa powder is mixed in the batter. This fusion is loved by all the chocolate lovers.
Ripe mango pure is added to the plain ghewar and relished during monsoons.
Plain ghewar is topped with khoya or mawa and then cardamom powder is sprinkled over it to enhance the rich taste.
Rabri, a condensed milk sweet is added on the top of Ghewar which makes it more rich and delicious.
Ghewars are stacked together making it multi-tiered or layered one which adds to the fun of relishing it.
Which of these varieties you would love to try?