Make This Delicious Palada Payasam, A Staple Malayali Dessert; Recipe Inside

Credits: the_spinningplates/ Instagram

Palada payasam is a fragrant and creamy rice pudding flavoured with cardamom and nuts. It is traditionally made in Malayali households during the Onam festival.

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Palada Payasam

The Ada In The Payasam

Ada refers to thin rice noodles, traditionally made from scratch using a batter of rice flour and water. These translucent noodles can be steamed or boiled and are used in a variety of sweet and savoury dishes.

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-Milk 1.5 ltr -Ada 100gm -Sugar 8 tbsp -Milkmaid -Water

Credits: the_spinningplates/ Instagram

Step 1 

Take 1.5ltr (3 packets) of milk and add 1/4 cup water into it. Add 8 tbsp of sugar

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Once it starts boiling, close the cooker and keep it for 1 hour in low flame

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Step 2 

Boil some amount of water, once its boiled well switch off the flame and add the ada into it. Keep it for 30 mins.

Credits: the_spinningplates/ Instagram

Step 3 

After 1 hr open the cooker, add this soaked ada into milk and stir continuously for some time. In between, add Milkmaid according to your desired sweetness.

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Step 4 

Stir continuously until it becomes your desired perfect consistency.

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Step 5

When will you try making this tasty palada payasam ?

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