Milind Soman Fans Do 1-Min Of Push-Ups Near Eiffel Tower For Selfie With Fitness Enthusiast

Milind & Ankita Are In Paris 

Milind Soman and wifey Ankita are in Paris. And they're Parisian experience is nothing short of stunning. 

Marathons & Cross Country Runs

The couple embarked on cross country runs and even participated in the Paris Marathon. 

1 Min Push-Ups For Selfies 

Whenever fans wanted a selfie with Milind, he'd ask them to do 1 minute of push-ups. 

Milind's Fitness First Mantra 

The actor has a fitness first mantra where he encourages fans to take some time out for their health for a selfie with him. 

Push-Ups At Leaning Tower 

Even in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, his fans sportingly did push-ups. 

Fitness Enthusiast Inspires 

Milind Soman believes in promoting healthy diet and fitness by giving his own life as a worthy example. 

Couple Who Exercises Together...

A couple that exercises and runs together, definitely stays together. 

Lots Of Adventures For Milind & Ankita In Paris!