8 Most Amazing Gothic Structures In The World

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A masterpiece of French Gothic architecture, Notre Dame Cathedral is renowned for its stunning facade, intricate rose windows, and flying buttresses. It has stood as a symbol of Paris for centuries.

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1. Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France

This towering cathedral features stunning spires and elaborate sculptures. The intricate stained glass windows and detailed stonework make it a masterpiece of High Gothic architecture.

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2. Cologne Cathedral, Cologne, Germany

Chartres Cathedral is celebrated for its impressive stained glass windows, particularly the Blue Virgin Window. The cathedral's labyrinthine floor pattern adds to its unique appeal.

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3. Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Westminster Abbey boasts a mix of Gothic styles. It has been the venue for numerous royal weddings, coronations, and other significant events.

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4. Westminster Abbey, London, England

Known as Duomo di Milano, this cathedral is renowned for its intricate facade adorned with thousands of statues and spires.

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5. Milan Cathedral, Milan, Italy

Dominating the Prague skyline, St. Vitus Cathedral features Gothic and Baroque elements. Its stained glass windows, including the famous Window of the Last Judgment, are awe-inspiring.

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6. St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague, Czech Republic

This Spanish Gothic cathedral is noted for its elegant spires, intricate facade, and beautiful Golden Staircase.

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7. Burgos Cathedral, Burgos, Spain

Also known as the Duomo, this cathedral features a distinctive dome designed by Filippo Brunelleschi.

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8. Florence Cathedral, Florence, Italy

These awe-inspiring Gothic structures stand as testaments to the architectural and artistic achievements of their time.

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