Navratri 2023: From Fasting Rules To Tips, Here's All You Need To Know

If you are fasting this Navratri, here are some important things that you must keep in your mind. 

Fasting rules

Some people do only fruits fasting while many consume meal only once in the entire day. Both of these fasts are allowed during this festival. 

1. Only fruits or One-time Meal

If you are fasting, make sure you Akhand Jyot. If not possible make sure you perform aarti twice a day. 

2. Akhand Jyot

You must not use the normal table salt for cooking during Navratri. Use sendha namak or rock salt instead. 

3.  No table salt

You must not consume onion and garlic during this nine-day long  festival. 

4. No onion, no garlic

Rice flour, Maids (all-purpose flour), and whole wheat flour should be completely avoided. 

5. No wheat and rice

Refrain from using refined or seed-based oil for cooking. Instead opt for  pure desi ghee or peanut oil. 

6. No refined oil

Make sure you do not consume any non-vegetarian food during Navratri. 

7. No non-veg food

You must not consume semolina, legumes  and pulses. 

8. No Legumes and pulses

The rules for fasting differ from region to region. What are the fasting rules followed in your region?