8 No Fuss Meals To Have When You Are In No Mood To Eating Anything

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1. Boiled Eggs Hard-boiled eggs are a protein-packed snack that requires minimal effort to prepare.

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2. Roasted Sweet Potato Simply pop a sweet potato in the oven for a nutritious and flavorful side dish.

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3. Smoothie Blend your favourite fruits and yoghurt for a quick and refreshing smoothie.

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4. Veggies With Hummus Dip your favourite vegetables in hummus for a healthy and tasty snack.

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5. Fruit Salad Mix together your favourite fruits for a refreshing and naturally sweet treat.

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6. Cereal A bowl of cereal with milk can be a quick and easy option, especially for breakfast or a late-night snack.

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7. Instant Soup Ready-to-eat instant soups can be a comforting choice when you want something warm and easy to prepar

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8. Grilled Cheese Make a classic grilled cheese sandwich for a simple and delicious meal.

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Which one of these quick meals is your favourite?

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