8 No-Guilt Sweet Treats To Curb That Sugar Craving

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1. Fruit Salad Create a colourful fruit salad with a variety of fresh fruits like berries, melons, oranges, and kiwis.

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2. Greek Yogurt Parfait Layer Greek yoghurt with fresh berries, granola, and a drizzle of honey. This parfait offers a balance of protein, probiotics, and natural sweetness.

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3. Dark Chocolate Enjoy a small piece of dark chocolate as it contains antioxidants and is lower in sugar compared to milk chocolate.

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4. Frozen Grapes Freeze grapes for a sweet and refreshing treat with a natural burst of sweetness.

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5. Baked Apples Core an apple and fill it with a mixture of cinnamon, oats, and a touch of honey. Bake until tender for a warm and comforting dessert.

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6. Chia Seed Pudding Make chia seed pudding using chia seeds, almond milk, and a touch of maple syrup. Add fruits and nuts for extra flavour and texture.

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7. Frozen Banana Ice Cream Blend frozen bananas until creamy for a guilt-free ice cream alternative.

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8. Energy Balls Mix dates, nuts, oats, and a dash of honey in a food processor. Roll into bite-sized balls for a quick and nutritious sweet snack.

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These no-guilt sweet treats offer a healthier alternative to sugary desserts.

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