No No No Entry! These 6 Places Around The World Are Strictly Forbidden

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Technology may have made it seem like the world is our oyster but there are still places that we can’t go to.

Forbidden places

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Here are six places in the world that you’re not allowed to travel to.

List Of Forbidden Places

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Located in Southern Ural Mountains, 2 battalions patrol here to prevent trespassing.

1. Mezghorye, Russia

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This place is, quite literally, crawling with snakes and you’re not allowed to go here.

2. Snake Island, Brazil

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It houses the world’s largest naturally formed sandstone arch and the place is off-limits to preserve it.

3. Pravcicka Brana, Czech Republic

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It has a unique ecosystem formed by a volcanic eruption. Only some scientists are allowed here to study it.

4. Surtsey, Iceland

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It is a vault which houses the seeds of 100 million seeds of plants from around the world in case of extreme emergency.

5. Doomsday Vault, Norway

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This island is off-limits for all except the US Navy.

6. Niihau Island, USA

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Would you want to visit any of these places if given a chance?

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