Not Just Water, Try These Refreshing Beverages To Hydrate Yourself This Summer

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Summer is here! Staying hydrated is important so in addition to water, try these beverages as well!

Summertime Bevvies

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Brew some unsweetened iced tea and add a touch of honey or fresh mint for a refreshing and antioxidant-rich beverage.

1. Iced Tea

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A natural source of electrolytes, coconut water is an excellent option for replenishing fluids lost through sweating.

2. Coconut Water

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Blend strawberries with yogurt or milk for a nutrient-dense and hydrating smoothie.

3. Strawberry Smoothie

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Freshly juiced vegetables like carrots are packed with essential vitamins and minerals to help you stay hydrated.

4. Carrot Juice

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Herbal teas like mint, chamomile, or hibiscus make for a refreshing and caffeine-free option.

5. Herbal Teas

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Mix freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice with water and a touch of honey or sugar for a classic summer drink.

6. Homemade Lemonade

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Buttermilk or Chhaachh is a refreshing summer drink that is healthy as well as deslicious.

7. Chhaachh

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Which of these beverages do you want try first?

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