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Are you dealing with gut health issues and problems during regular bowel movements? Nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary (@rashichowdhary) shared its solution.
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Prune juice added with chia seeds and a few more ingredients is the miracle juice that will help people struggling to poop every day. Here's its recipe.
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• Prunes • Chia seeds • 1/2 cup soda water • Pinch of black salt • Half a lime
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These fruits contain insoluble and soluble fibre helping with digestion and constipation problems and improving your bowel movement.
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Purchase fresh prune juice from markets and use 1/2 cup of it for this recipe. Instead of using store-bought juice, you can soak 4-6 prunes overnight and blend the fruits with water.
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To make this effective juice, add 2 tbsp soaked chia seeds, soda water, black salt, and lime juice to prune juice, as shared by Nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary.
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We hope the nutritionist's remedy helps you to improve gut health.
Image Courtesy: Canva