Nutritionist Suggests 5 Tips To Chew Your Food Mindfully To Aid Digestion | Curly Tales

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The digestion process starts in the mouth and it is crucial to chew food mindfully and thoroughly to avoid gut health issues. Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal shared a few tips to enjoy food consciously.

Benefits Of Eating Well

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The first step is to keep your plates and bowls down. It brings your focus to the food and helps to slow down too.

1. Lay Utensils Down

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Do not hurry while eating. Take small bites and chew each bite.

2. Eat Slowly

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If you are confused about how long you should take to chew food, here's a simple solution. Chew your food for around 30 seconds before the next bite.

3. Wait For 30 Seconds

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Try not to watch mobile or television or have any distractions while eating food. Your entire focus must be on your plate of food.

4. Avoid Distractions

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Understand what your body says and eat accordingly. Consume as much as needed till you are not hungry and feel full.

5. Listen To Your Body

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Hope these simple tips help you to eat better and improve digestion.

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