On World Hypertension Day,  Add These 8 Food Items To Your Diet  To Maintain  Blood Pressure

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World Hypertension Day

May 17 is observed as World Hypertension Day and its aim is  to increase awareness of high  blood pressure. 

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Foods To Include In Your Diet 

Keeping this in mind, we’ve listed out 8 food items that you can add to your diet to maintain a healthy blood pressure. 

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1. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like grapefruits,  oranges, and lemons are rich in  vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds and can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure. 

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2. Dark Chocolate

The cacao in dark chocolates is rich in flavonoids that are in turn good for your blood pressure. 

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3. Amaranth

Whole grains like amaranth are likely to reduce high blood pressure. 

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4. Nuts & Seeds

You can add pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, chia seeds, pistachios, walnuts, and almonds to your diet to reduce the risks of high blood pressure. 

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5. Salmon & Fatty Fish

Rich in omega-3 fats, fatty fish is great for your heart health.  

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6. Legumes

Adding lentils, beans, and peas to your diet will help enrich your body with magnesium and potassium, and even help lower your high blood pressure. 

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7. Oats

The beta-glucan fibre in oats is believed to be healthy for your heart. 

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8. Leafy Green Veggies

Add cabbage, spinach, broccoli, and other green vegetables to your diet to reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases. 

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