Orange Fruits & Vegetables You Should Add To Your Diet

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Pumpkin and other orange squashes have lutein which is great for your eyes.

1. Pumpkin

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Mangoes support eye health, boost the immune system and help your skin!

2. Mango

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Rich with Vitamins A and C, Sweet Potatoes are a healthy addition to your diet.

3. Sweet Potato

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Cantaloupe is also a great source of Vitamins A and C; it is also a good source of folate.

4. Cantaloupe

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Besides being the favourite food of Bugs Bunny, carrots are also known to promote eye health.

5. Carrots

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These succulent fruits are packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals so you can gorge on them all day!

6. Peaches

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7. Orange Corn

Orange corn has more nutrients than regular corn so try incorporating more of these in your diet.

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8. Papaya

In addition to cleansing your digestive system, papaya is also great for your skin.

Which of these is your favourite?

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