Railway Directs Locomotive Pilots To Avoid Tender Coconut Water And Homeopathic Meds; Here's Why

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Railway authorities banned tender coconut water and homeopathic medicines for loco pilots during duty

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Tender coconut water, homeopathic medicines

Directive also restricts consumption of certain bananas, cough syrups, soft drinks and mouthwashes

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Certain bananas

Ban follows increased alcohol detection by breathalysers at Crew Lobby's CMS kiosk sign-on/off

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Crew Lobby's CMS kiosk

Blood tests at government labs showed no alcohol traces, suggesting faulty breathalysers

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Faulty breathalysers

Loco pilots must inform Crew Controller in writing before consuming restricted items

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Crew Controller

Alcohol-containing medicines require Railway Medical Officer's written approval

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Railway Medical Officer

Loco pilots' unions oppose directive as unreasonable, demanding faulty equipment replacement

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Loco pilots' union

Incorrect breathalyser readings affect service records, prompting calls for directive withdrawal

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Incorrect breathalyser

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