Credits: Canva
Hing is a spice that is extracted from the tap root or dried resin of the giant fennel plant. Known as Asafoetida in English, it's known to have plenty of health benefits.
Credits: Canva
When hing is consumed, it increases the activity of digestive enzymes in the stomach and small intenstine.
Credits: Canva
Adding hing to your buttermilk or food will help reduce bloating.
Credits: Canva
If you suffer from constipation, consume hing which will help improve your bowel movements.
Credits: Canva
Asafoetida or hing has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties necessary for good gut health.
Credits: Canva
The carminative property in hing will help manage flatulence.
Credits: Canva
Hing will increases the good bacteria in one's gut.
Credits: Canva
Credits: Canva