Recipe: Easy Steps To Make Bajra Khichdi In No Time!  

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Image Courtesy: Canva


Bajra, Moong Dal, Cumin Seeds, Haldi, Hing, Ghee And Salt.

Image Courtesy: Canva

Step 1

Start by washing bajra and moong dal.

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Step 2

Now, add it to a pressure cooker with salt and water.

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Step 3

Pressure cook it for four whistles.

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Step 4

Take a pan and add ghee, cumin seed and let it crackle.

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Step 5

Now, add hing and turmeric to the pan and saute for a few minutes. 

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Step 6

Add the tempering to the cooked bajra moong dal mix and mix it.

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Step 7

Cook it for another few minutes.

Serve this soulful bajra khichdi with ghee!

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