Recipe: Easy Steps To Make Kuwaiti Upside-Down Savoury Cake, Maqlooba

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Maqlooba is a flavorful dish with layers of rice, eggplant, and meat, commonly enjoyed at gatherings and family occasions.

Maqluba or Maqlooba

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Use yoghurt, garlic paste, cumin, coriander, chilli (optional), cardamom and turmeric powder, juice of half a lemon and salt.

Marinate The Chicken

Cut Eggplants and potatoes and fry them till they turn golden brown.

Slice & Fry The Veggies

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Add water to Basmati rice and keep it away for 30 Minutes

Soak Rice

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Fry onion in butter and add the marinated chicken to it in a pan with spices and broth.

Cook The Chicken

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First, sprinkle cooked rice on the bottom and top it up with veggies then chicken followed by rice.

Layer Everything

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Once cooked for 15 mins invert the pot and serve this layered savoury upside-down cake, Maqlooba.

Let It Cook

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Here's how Maqlooba is made in few easy steps. 

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