Recipe: Easy Way To Make Oman's National Dessert, Omani Halwa

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Omani Halwa is a sweet and aromatic dessert popular in Oman.

Recipe For Omani Halwa

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All-purpose flour, clarified butter, saffron, sugar, water, milk, mixed nuts and ground cardamom. 


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Heat ghee in a large pan and add flour till it turns golden brown and releases a nutty aroma.

1. Step 1

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In a separate saucepan, combine sugar and water to make a syrup. Add dd saffron threads & cardamom for flavour

2. Step 2

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Combine the roasted flour and sugar syrup. Gradually add milk till it smooth and thick. 

3. Step 3

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Add nuts to the mixture once it is starts to separate from the pan.

4. Step 4

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Remove from the heat and serve. 

5. Step 5

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Enjoy this Omani delicacy on special occasions or as a sweet treat!

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