Recipe: Make A Creamy Cheesecake With Buttery Crust At Home

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Preheat the oven to 180 degree Celsius and line the base of the cake tin with a parchment paper.

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To make the crust, take butter, crumbs of digestive biscuits and granulated sugar, and mix it together.

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Press this mixture into the cake tin and bake for ten minutes. Then place it on a rack to cool.

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For the filling, increase the oven’s temperature to 200 degree Celsius. And take full-fat soft cheese and beat it for 2 minutes.

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Add granulated sugar, plain flour, and pinch of salt and mix it together.

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Then add vanilla extract, lemon juice and lemon zest. After a while, add 3 eggs and 1 yolk at one time and whisk it together.

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Now, pour the mixture into the cake tin and bake it for ten minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 110 degree Celsius and bake it again for 45 mins. Turn off the oven and let it cool for 2 hours.

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Remove the tin from the oven and place the cake on a  plate. You can top it with fresh fruits.

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Your creamy cheesecake is ready to enjoy!

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