Recipe: Quick Rainbow Sandwich For Hunger Pangs

Kids are fussy when it comes to eating, a rainbow sandwich will surely attract them and for adults it is the quickest hunger fix. 

Ingredients: Bread slices, butter, tomato ketchup, mayonnaise, cucumber slices, tomato slices, pudina chutney and beetroot slices. 

1. The first step is the apply butter and then pudina chutney on one side of the bread. 

2. Place slices of cucumber on the bread on the side where the pudina chutney was applied. 

3. Place a new slice of bread on it, apply butter and place beetroot slices. 

4. Place another slice of bread over it and apply mayonnaise on it. 

5. On the last slice, apply tomato ketchup. You can also mix it with mayo if you like. 

6. Now the last step is to place tomato slices and the last slice of bread over it to complete and close the sandwich. 

Your sandwich is ready, you can add more colourful veggies if you like!