Credits: Canva
Prawn Rissois is a delicious prawn dumpling that is made in Goa. Here’s how you can make this delicious dish yourself!
Credits: Canva
Butter, prawns, onion, garlic paste, green chillies, prawns, pepper powder, salt, cheese, breadcrumb.
Credits: Canva
You can easily make the dough with all-purpose flour and make little circular pieces of it.
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Saute prawns with onion, green chillies, onion, salt, pepper, and butter.
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Take the circular dough pieces, fill it with the prawn filling and top it with grated cheese.
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Carefully seal the dough in the half-moon shape.
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Coat the tiny parcel with breadcrumbs.
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Deep fry them in oil until they’re golden brown.
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Your delicious Goan Praw Rissois is ready to enjoy!
Credits: Canva