7 Relatable Thoughts Every Traveller Has While Entering The Airport!

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Travelling by aeroplane makes things really easier and quicker. But let’s be honest there are some really random thoughts that we all have while entering an airport!

Image Courtesy: Tenor

So, here’s a list of a few weird and relatable thoughts you might have had while entering an airport!

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1. “Ohh god please let there be no queue at the security check. Please god!!”

Image Courtesy: Tenor

2. “I cannot wait to shop at the stores at the airport. Or wait, is it going to make my luggage heavier?”

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3. “Oh god, please let there be no last-minute delays!”

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4. “What will I wear if my luggage doesn’t reach where I’m headed?”

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5. “I am innocent, but why do I feel nervous before every security check?”

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6. “Should I post a pic? Or is it going to make me look like a wanna-be influencer?”

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7. “Why do airports always make me hungry?”

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