"She's A Work Of Art", Soha Ali Khan To Daughter Inaaya On Their Visit To An Immersive Art Gallery In Melbourne

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram

Soha visited ArtVo in Melboune, Australia with hubby Kunal and daughter Inaaya.

Soha's Visit To ArtVo

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram

ArtVo is an immersive art gallery in Melbourne where you can interact with artworks!

Immersive Art!

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram

Soha relished a latte and lil Inaaya enjoyed a tasty-looking hot chocolate! Simply perfect!

Latte & Hot Chocolate

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram

Work Of Art!

In the caption, proud mommy Soha called Inaaya a work of art & we're inclined to agree!

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram

Like mother, like daughter! We think Soha, too, is an exquisite piece of art!

Soha Is Art Too!

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram

Here is lil adorable Inaaya with her toy camera! We think she'll make a fine photographer!

Young Photographer!

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram

Who said art was for pretentious people only and couldn't be fun?

Fun With Art!

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram

It seems that they had a marvellous mother-daughter time at the gallery!

Mother-Daughter Time!

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram

Have you visited this immersive art gallery in Melbourne?

Credits: sakpataudi/Instagram