Sip Refreshing Kharbooja Shake & Enjoy The Summer; Chef Kunal Kapur Shares A Simple Recipe

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Kunal Kapur (@chefkunal) 

We love relishing fresh muskmelons in summer season. But have you tried delicious kharbooja shake? This refreshing shake tastes too good and is a blend of all the perfect summer flavours. Chef Kunal Kapur shared an easy recipe.

A Unique Drink

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Kunal Kapur (@chefkunal) 

• Medium-sized kharbooja (muskmelon) • A few mint leaves • 2 tbsp condensed milk • Chilled water • Almonds


Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Kunal Kapur (@chefkunal) 

• Take a fresh muskmelon and make a small slit on the upper portion. 

Follow These Steps

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Kunal Kapur (@chefkunal) 

• Scoop out all the seeds and pulp from the fruit.

Follow These Steps

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Kunal Kapur (@chefkunal) 

• The scooped-out kharbooja needs to look like this.

Follow These Steps

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Kunal Kapur (@chefkunal) 

• Next, take a blender and add muskmelon cubes, mint leaves, condensed milk, and a dash of chilled water and mix everything. 

Follow These Steps

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Kunal Kapur (@chefkunal) 

• Pour the fruit shake inside the khabooja, garnish with some almond slices, and enjoy.

Image Courtesy: Instagram/ Kunal Kapur (@chefkunal)