9 Sleep-Inducing Foods To Eat For A Good Night's Sleep

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1. Consuming high-GI foods, like white rice, about an hour prior to retiring may enhance the quality of your sleep.

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2. Consuming passionflower tea before bed may be advantageous because of its potential to induce sleep due to its relaxing effects.

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3. Consuming walnuts, one of the best sources of melatonin in food, enhances the quality of sleep.

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4. Consuming a few servings of fatty fish before sleep may promote quicker and deeper slumber.

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5. Tart cherry juice is another substance that is known to induce sleep, and it has even been investigated for its potential to treat insomnia.

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6. When consumed before nightfall, kiwis' high serotonin and antioxidant content may enhance the quality of your sleep.

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7. Chamomile tea has been demonstrated to enhance the overall quality of sleep and to contain antioxidants that may induce tiredness.

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8. Turkey has significant levels of tryptophan and protein, all of which may make you feel drowsy, making it a good food to consume before bed.

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9. Almonds may be a fantastic snack to eat before bed because they include the sleep-inducing mineral magnesium and the hormone melatonin.

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