Stress Eating Fast Food Like Samosa, Fries, Burgers Can Make You More Anxious: Study

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Though we feel junk food can help us during stressful times, unfortunately, it only raises anxiety. A recent research shed light on the dark side of stress-eating deep-fried dishes. 

Not Helpful At All

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The University of Colorado researchers conducted a test on mice and discovered the harsh effects of junk food on them. 

Who Did The Study?

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According to a report by The Times of India, results show that food items with high-fat content impact brain chemicals and cause anxiety.


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Our favourite burgers, fries, samosa, pizza, and all kinds of deep-fried and high-fat dishes worsen our mental health and trigger anxious situations. 

AVOID These Food

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It is okay to feel stressed out but indulging in a feast of unhealthy food is never the solution to overcome these issues. 

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Junk Food Is A Big No!

Take good care of your physical and mental health and do not let oily food hamper them. 

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