Super Blue Moon: When, Where, & How You Can Watch It In India; All About It

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It is a rare astronomical phenomenon where the moon appears larger than usual.

Super Blue Moon

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Despite its name, the moon doesn’t appear blue. Blue moon is when a month has two full moons.

Not Really Blue

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Super Blue Moon occurs once every ten years, on an average.

Once In A Decade

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The blue moon will be visible after sunset on August 30 and disappear just before sunrise.

When Can You See It?

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You don’t need binoculars or telescope as the moon will be visible with naked eyes.

How Can You See It

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It will be 14% bigger than the usual size, according to NASA.

How Big Is The Moon

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The next super blue moon will appear in 2037 in January and March.

When Will It Appear Again?

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The enlarged moon is a breathtaking sight to behold.

Beautiful Sight To See

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Will you be watching the super blue moon tonight?

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