Taameya Vs Falafel? 7 Differences Between These Middle Eastern Dishes

MOTF Turns 2!

It's time to celebrate as Museum of the Future completes 2 years today and it has already welcomed 2 Million visitors. Here are some cool facts to check about this UAE Marvel. 

Taameya: Made primarily from fava beans, herbs like parsley and cilantro, and spices. Falafel: Typically made from chickpeas (garbanzo beans), along with herbs, spices, and sometimes onions.

1. Ingredients

Taameya: Tends to have a smoother texture due to the use of fava beans. Falafel: Often has a denser texture, with a slightly grainier consistency due to the chickpeas.

2. Texture

Taameya: Traditionally shaped into small, flat discs or patties. Falafel: Usually formed into round balls or patties.

3. Shape

Taameya: Originated in Egypt and is a staple of Egyptian cuisine. Falafel: Originated in the Middle East and is popular across various countries in the region, including Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine.

4. Origin

Taameya: Typically served as a street food snack or as part of a mezze platter with tahini sauce and salad. Falafel: Often served inside pita bread as a sandwich, along with salad, pickles, and sauces like tahini or tzatziki.

5.  Serving Style

Taameya: Often served with tahini sauce, pickled vegetables, and fresh salad. Falafel: Accompanied by various toppings and fillings, such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and sauces like tahini or hummus.

6. Accompaniments

Taameya: Has a milder flavor with hints of herbs and spices, complemented by the earthiness of fava beans. Falafel: Has a more robust flavor with a combination of spices like cumin, coriander, and garlic, along with the nuttiness of chickpeas.

7. Flavour

Taameya and Falafel share similar origins and ingredients, they each boast distinct characteristics that set them apart.