This Vitamin C-Packed, Tangy & Healthy Pickled Amla Recipe Is A Must-Try| Curly Tales

Healthy Twist To Pickles

If you love pickles but want to avoid the heavy and oil-loaded ones, then this recipe is for you!

Credits: Canva 

Pickled Amla 

Chef Kriti Dhiman shared an easy recipe for Pickled Amla and it is good for your body and taste buds as well! 

Why You Should Try It 

You need to try out this recipe because the amla in the pickle can help aid digestion, improve skin health, boost immunity, and provide your body with the necessary nutrients and vitamin C. 


1 kg amla 8-10 big green chillies 2 cups water 2 cups vinegar 1/4 cup sugar 7-8 black peppercorn 2-3 tsp salt

Credits: Canva 

Prepare The Veggies 

1. Start by thoroughly washing the amla and green chillies. 2. Then, with a fork, poke some holes in the amlas.

Chop Them Well 

3. Roughly chop the green chillies. 

Follow These Steps 

4. For the pickle solution, boil water and vinegar together. 5. Add some sugar, peppercorn, and salt and bring it to a boil. 

Almost There

6. Now, put the amla and green chillies in a bowl and pour the solution, when still hot, all over it.

Store & Enjoy!

And that’s it! Your Pickled Amla is ready to be served and enjoyed. These amlas can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one month, so make your batch today!  
